Alan Zubrinich
Project Coordinator, Career in Care Program
Send him an email
0429 408 810
Applications are now closed.
Larissa Mackrill
Project Coordinator, Career in Care Program
Send her an email
0459 444 321
Regional Development Australia Yorke and Mid North has developed an innovative holistic pre-employment program to provide tailored solutions to address barriers to employment for local jobseekers in Kadina, preparing them for entry level jobs in the care sectors.
Partnering with TAFE SA, the program will provide a combination of necessary accredited and non accredited training as well as employability and work preparation skills with mental health, drug and alcohol and budgeting and finance workshops. The program will be delivered 4 days per week over 9 weeks with a dedicated student mentor and complex case management supports provided by Uniting Country SA.
Applications will be open from Monday the 16th December until Friday the 24th of January, to commence early February and is strictly limited to 15 positions.
Who can apply?
People who are unemployed, underemployed, looking to return to work or upskill in the care sector
School students are not eligible to apply.
What does the course offer?
This unique program gives you the opportunity to complete the below accredited training courses:
- SSDIS01002 – Preparing to Work in Community Services and Health Skill Set
- CHCCOM005 – Communicate and work in health or community services
- CHCDIV001 – Work with diverse people
- HLTWHS002 – Follow safe work practices for direct client care
- HLTWHS006 – Manage personal stressors in the work environment
- HLTINF006 – Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures
- CHCLEG001 – Work legally and ethically
- Safe Environments for Children and Young People (Through their eyes)
- HLTAID012 – Provide First Aid in an education and care setting
In conjunction with soft skills and personal development workshops, drug and alcohol awareness, resume & interview preparation and industry site visits.
The program will be delivered 4 days a week over 9 weeks, running from Tuesday the 18th of February until the Thursday the 17th of April.
How do I apply?
If you are interested in applying please complete our online registration form here.
Program Partners