Economic Fundamentals Training

RDA Yorke and North is offering an online economic fundamentals training webinar to RDA staff and local government stakeholders.   This webinar will inform you on how to:   • Build your understanding of key economic concepts • Strengthen your ability to use data and analysis • Leverage working with RDA and other external stakeholders […]

Peterborough ATDW workshop

If you’re a business owner, involved in a community organisation, or organise local, join our free workshop to learn how to market your offering to visitors – at no cost!   We’ll guide you through the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) and other tourism resources to help you reach more visitors. Plus, learn about the […]

Willowie Community BBQ

Looking for something to do on Friday night in the Willowie (and surrounds) area? The Willowie Community BBQ is being held at the Willowie Memorial Hall from 4pm to 7pm. Catch up with your neighbours, have a chat with rural aid representatives and enjoy a free BBQ and drink.

Dealing with Difficult Customers Short Course

Uni Hub Spencer Gulf are very excited to announce that we will soon be holding “Dealing with Difficult Customers” an exciting new offering in our professional short course program delivered by the University of Adelaide. Designed for professionals on the frontline, this course explores the causes of conflict and equips participants with strategies to manage […]