QualifySA in Early Childhood Financial Support Program

This week, the Office for Early Childhood Development is launching the QualifySA in Early Childhood Financial Support Program, which invites South Australian residents to apply for financial assistance to offset costs related to approved early childhood study. An additional ‘Grow Your Own’ allowance of up to $10,000 will be available to support students in regional […]
Rural Relocation Grants – Allied Health and Nursing Careers
If you are a new graduate starting work or a qualified primary health care professional, we can help you find the right place to work, provide support to help you get there, and help you get set up in your first year of rural practice. Rural relocation grants of up to $5,000 are available for […]
School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI)
To boost education opportunities and narrow the digital divide, the Australian Government is working with NBN Co to provide up to 30,000 families with no internet at home, free NBN for 12 months. To be eligible, families with school age children will be nominated by participating schools, education authorities and charities/community organisations. These organisations will […]