Looking for a career change?

Are you looking for a career change? These documents and websites can help you to find out what type of career you are looking for and what skills are lacking in your area. Pathway to a new Career Job Outlook: your guide to Australian Careers Skills Priority List 2023 Jobs and Skills Atlas

Are you starting a new business?

Are you starting a new business? You might find what you need right here, so check out these tools, resources and templates: Business and Marketing Plan Template Starting a Business Guide – Australian Government Licences, Permits, and Registrations Registering Your Business Name Fairwork Ombudsman Templates and Guides Australian Taxation Office

Business Documents

The following documents are attached to download, brand with your business logo and use within your own organisation: Competency Assessment Example Competency Assessment Template Drug Alcohol Drug and Alcohol Policy Employee Details Form Equal Opportunity Equity Policy Grievance Grievance Procedure Hazard Report HR File Note HR Procedures Manual Incident Report Induction and Orientation Checklist Leave […]