Alicia Callary
Economic Development Officer
Send her an email
0439 156 874

One-on-one small business advisory sessions with expert providers - Registrations ARE NOW CLOSED.
Small and family businesses primarily operating in the Yorke and Mid North region will be eligible for up to three one-on-one sessions with expert business advisors being engaged through RDA Yorke and Mid North as part of the Small Business Fundamentals Program – an initiative of the South Australian Government.
These in-depth sessions will enable businesses to work through their specific circumstances before working with expert business advisers across these functions to develop strategies to improve these functions within their business. These sessions will be heavily subsidised by program funding provided by the Office for Small and Family Business (OSFB), with businesses charged a flat nominal fee of $50 (incl. GST) for accessing one-on-one advisory sessions, regardless of the number of sessions accessed.
Post the one-on-one advisory sessions, businesses will be supported by RDA Yorke and Mid North for up to 12 months (for free), with engagement to provide any further support in implementing these strategies and integrating these functions into their business.
The South Australia’s Small Business Strategy 2023 – 2030 is an initiative of the Office for Small and Family Business as part of the South Australian Government. The Strategy sets out 20 separate initiatives will be delivered under these six key themes to support small and family businesses across South Australia to adapt, grow and succeed, help businesses respond to challenges and recover from adversity, and take advantage of new opportunities.
The Small Business Fundamentals Program is one of these initiatives, providing direct assistance to small and family businesses and social enterprises to build their fundamental business knowledge and capabilities across a range of key business functions by working with partnering providers to deliver targeted support functions which meet different needs in local areas.
The objectives of the Program are to:
- Increase the skills, capability and capacity of South Australian small and family businesses, and social enterprises, and their workforces
- Support small and family businesses, and social enterprises, to improve profitability and competitiveness and employ more South Australians
- Provide equitable access and support to under-represented business owner groups.
Business 2 Business Program
The Business 2 Business Program is being delivered by RDA Yorke and Mid North as part of the Small Business Fundamentals Program.
The current B2B Program comprises of:
- A series of workshops on the business functions being supported to build awareness of the initiative, provide an overview key considerations relating to these functions and drive engagement with providers;
For more information about the below, please contact Alicia.
- Initial consultations between RDA Yorke and Mid North staff and businesses to confirm eligibility for the program and pair them with an appropriate provider(s);
- One-on-one advisory sessions (up to three per business) with specialist providers to assist them in the targeted business advisory functions summarised below, and;
- Ongoing case management support provided by RDA Yorke and Mid North for 12 months.
The business functions being supported through the B2B Program include:
Human Resources Management
Information around obligations and strategies to help businesses manage difficult but increasingly common issues and expectations on topics such as flexible work arrangements, remote work policies, performance management issues and related topics.
Finance Brokerage
Helping businesses engage with brokers to help prepare and negotiate financing agreements with banks and other lenders. This is critical given the challenges unfolding as businesses come off fixed-term lending agreements at the same time as interest rates continue to rise.
Finance Management, Cash Flow and Budgeting
Supporting businesses to make smart decisions about spending and saving and consider their budgets to create plans aligned with their goals. Assist businesses in improving financial management by offering opportunities to explore effective strategies for handling cash flow and budgeting.
Insurance Brokerage
Helping businesses understand the factors impacting insurance premiums and develop risk management strategies to help mitigate rises in premiums and ensure they understand the coverage they are getting through policies. In particular, challenges obtaining policies, as well as significantly escalating premiums for businesses without effective risk management plans in place.
Work Health and Safety
Bringing businesses up to speed on their health and safety obligations and helping them develop strategies for ensuring a safe and healthy workplace for everybody present at the workplace.
Marketing and Social Media
Helping businesses with some online presence to reflect on their marketing strategy and how they are using social media to take advantage of a wider range of tools and information to better target their potential consumers and reach them more effectively.
Tendering and Pre-Qualification
Supporting businesses participating in larger supply chains and projects to understand procurement models used in these projects and how to meet buyers’ requirements around pre-qualification, tendering, contracting and related requirements.
Cyber Security
Taking businesses through key types of cyber risk to identify potential risks, as well as helping them develop systems and strategies to mitigate and manage risks, as well as continuity plans in the event of a cyber incident.
RDA Yorke and Mid North has worked with an extensive range of specialists and providers across these business functions, and has pre-screened a number of expert providers to help drive improvement within local businesses across these functions. Our team will work with businesses to understand their specific circumstances and requirements before pairing them with the most appropriate provider(s).
Expert advisers working with small businesses through the Program include: